Taiwan will not give up its superiority in semiconductors

Taiwan will not give up its superiority in semiconductors

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Taiwan will not give up its superiority in semiconductors: Between the 1970s and a few years ago, Taiwan’s semiconductor sector seemed important but unattractive.

In the ever-evolving landscape of technology, semiconductors have emerged as the backbone of modern innovation.
These tiny chips power everything from smartphones and laptops to advanced medical devices and autonomous vehicles.
Among the global players in this industry, Taiwan has firmly established itself as a dominant force, and it shows no signs of relinquishing its superiority.
In this blog post, we will explore the reasons behind Taiwan’s unwavering grip on the semiconductor market and the implications it holds for the future.

Chip manufacturing plants

Chip manufacturing plants (fabric for short) kept the global electronics industry running, but it was the tools that used the chips that made the headlines.

Not anymore. The geopolitical heavyweights in the world now consider that these precision processing tools not only operate all types of machines, but also the economies of these countries.

 America provides $50 billion in subsidies to bring the chip industry back to the country.

Europe has similar plans, not least a plan to reduce its dependence on Taiwan, which neighboring China claims as part of its territory.

Rapidus, a joint venture of Japanese electronics companies, aims to mass-produce advanced chips in 2027, just two years after Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC), the Taiwanese chip pioneer, begins production. Similar silicone manufacturing.

Competition and poaching employees

South Korea’s Samsung, TSMC’s main competitor, hopes to begin producing such chips in 2025. For its part, China wants to build an independent chip industry that does not have to rely on technology imports, which America is strangling.

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